Jun 11, 2012

How to deal with not liking The Avengers

A lovely piece of writing (worth checking out in full) from Nico Lang:—
"You aren’t a good liar, and so you practice lying about the film in the mirror in case people call you out on not liking it. You ready your shocked, aghast, flabbergasted and surprised faces, like you’re in a Spanish soap opera. You buy a glove to slap people with. You work on your I’m-in-an-episode-of-Smash drink throw. You perfect your impromptu yawn that says, “Wow! I am suddenly too tired to finish this conversation” or you go back the gym and hit that treadmill hard, in case you need to flee from your assailant. You watch Runaway BrideMarathon Man and Chariots of Fire to get tips and old tapes of Walter Payton and Barry Sanders to perfect the perfect stiff arm. If you get trapped by a mob of angry comic book fans, you scream: “Look! It’s Alan Moore and he brought scones!” — Nico Lang, Thought Catalog


  1. I think it was Steve Vineberg who wrote that Dances with Wolves was the movie in the early 90s that he always hoped nobody mentioned at a party, "because you knew you'd be leaving with more enemies than when you arrived."

  2. Thank you dearly for pointing me in this direction. I feel far less alone--and that crab about the rotten fight choreography in DARK KNIGHT brought true joy to my bleak heart, since my bitching about that very thing has annoyed all too many colleagues and friends.

  3. Thanks for the Vineberg quote, Craig, I've used it in my column (see above)

  4. It's from his book No Surprises, Please - the introduction, I believe - in case there's a request for attribution.
