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is that undefeatable quarry: the merry philistine. Cultural tastes being the
last refuge for the snobberies and attendant anxieties that used to attached
themselves to class in Britain, there is great value in a genuine passion that
horrifies the room for a writer as punchy and vivacious as Freeman. And decades
don’t come much more horrifying than the eighties. The sixties always knew they
were cool. The seventies have received
their revisionist due. But the go-getting, greed-is-good, need-for-speed eighties,
when producer John Peters, “the man who once permed Yentl’s hair commanded the kind
of respect once accorded to Robert Altman”? There’s one lovely moment near the
start of her book when Freeman phones up Peter Biskind, the king of seventies
revisionism and all things Altmanesque, for advice. “You should really writer
about Salvador,” he tells her.
“That’s a fascinating film.” She doesn’t have the heart to tell him that by
“eighties cinema” she doesn’t mean Oliver Stone’s piercing disquisition on
American foreign policy in Latin America, but Three Men and Baby. “I
love the silliness of eighties movies, their sweetness, the stirring music, “
she writes, “I adore montages and anyone who doesn't thrill to a power ballad
is lying to themselves” — from my review of Hadley Freeman's Life Moves Pretty Fast for the New Statesman
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